Ethan Custard
Genesis Major, 12 and Hannah Helm, 12 are volunteering the time at the blood drive!
Four months later, the NHS Blood Drive returns to Stroudsburg High School!
Brave donors put their names down to give their blood to save the lives of those who need it.
Donating blood is essential. “Only 3% of the eligible population in the US donate blood,” said Ben Domanski, 12. “Typically, we only have a one-and-a-half-day supply of blood. So, if everyone stopped donating, we would be out of blood within two days.”
This blood drive is not just any other fun school event; the lives of numerous people are saved.
The blood drive is a wholesome event full of support from our school community. Our school comes together to save lives. Just one donation saves the lives of up to three people! The faculty, students, and medical volunteers are vital to the event.
Faculty and NHS members donated snacks and drinks. The food is to “replenish the nutrients lost when giving blood, we set up a snack table for every donor after they are off the donation table,” said Alex Franolich, 11.
The phlebotomists valiantly sacrifice their time to safely and professionally draw blood from the donors.
Maxsim Lamberton, 11, appreciated the help and the easy experience with the phlebotomists and NHS volunteers. After giving blood, Lamberton said, “I feel terrific after giving my blood. Even though I do not like needles, the joy of knowing I have saved someone’s life makes the whole experience worth it.”
If you missed out on donating blood this year, do not fret. The blood drive will return in the winter of next school year, so keep an eye out!