Day of Silence 2017 “Universal Acceptance”


Diversity Council and GSA this year is standing for what we all desperately need, Universal acceptance. This Friday , April 28, 2017, students who choose to, will be spending the day in silence to represent those who have been silenced by bullying.

The silence is to echo the silence which has been caused by bullying of many things including but not limited to religion, race, sex, and life-style. As many know there are voices being silenced daily whether through fear or even suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for college-age youth and ages 12-18. (2015 CDC WISQARS) what the Stroudsburg Diversity Council would like for you to understand is that you donai??i??t have to have malicious intent to hurt or affect someone.

Tolerance is not enough, we need to accept people for who they are and who they choose to be. Acceptance is not tolerance nor will it ever be. This Friday look around and listen for the voices missing throughout your day. Is it enough to end the silence?Â