Music Department students present farewell gifts to their teachers

Lauren Perez, Staff Writer

As the year comes to an end, seniors are saying their farewells to their favorite teachers. Many students search for a meaningful gift that their teacher(s) can cherish forever.

Each year SHS music department seniors give their director a gift in hopes of bringing a smile to their director’s face. These gifts are always given during each group’s last performance of the year. It is presented by the group’s officers and anyone who helped in getting the gift together.

Each year these students go above and beyond to get their directors the best gift. This year is no exception.

Students Oyindeinyefa Nanakumo, Lauren Perez, and Choir Officers ZoAi?? Petrides, Jessica Jones, and Naomi Chan presented Choir Director Ms. Janice Lee with her 2017 gift. Lee was given a video showing various clubs and groups from Stroudsburg High School singing our school Alma Mater, along with a kimono, flowers, and candy.

Senior Concert Band Officers Sydney Fritz and Taylor Flanagan presented Band Director Mr. Harold Cassady with his 2017 gift. Cassady received flowers and aAi??customized bobble head that looks exactly like Cassady himself. The students are proud of their idea and proclaim that “It was just like getting a present for our dad.”

Senior Orchestra Officers Grace Sobrinski, Jenna Muscat-Rivera, and Frederick Dudak presented Orchestra Director Ms. Lisa Rogers with her 2017 gift. Rogers was presented with flowers and a customized bracelet that reads, ai???Love you Rog. Class of ai???


Senior Quotes to the teachers:

Ms. Lee-

ai???Ms. Lee is always there for everyone, she is such a kind and caring person. Whether you have a question about chorus or life she will always give you the best advice she can – Jacqueline Bauer

“Ms. Lee is the kindest, most caring woman I have ever met in my life. She has helped me grow in more ways than I can explain. I look up to her and I couldn’t begin to thank her for all the things she’s done for me as a singer and us as a choir. I love you Ms. Lee. ” – Ariella Engel

“Ms. Lee really helped me discover a talent that I didn’t know I had. Going to her class everyday was the most enjoyable part of my senior year. I have never met a teacher with a more positive attitude and love for her students and what she does. Even though I was only in choir for one year, I’ll be forever grateful that I was able to be a part of something so amazing.” – Samantha Imber

Ms. Roger-

“Thank you for the support and having the patienceAi??to put up with us.” – Fredrick Dudak

“She has taught us a lot and has always been very enthusiastic.” -Ai??Katherine Volpe

“She (Ms.Roger) is so great, she is so nice to me I wish you the best of luck next year. I love you.” – Kira Darlington

Mr. Cassady-

“For so many years he has been our director, it’s has been really fun.” – Sydney Fritz

“Love you, Dad, thanks for the life lessons.”- Taylor Flanagan