SHS Pioneer Yearbook returns to the classroom with fresh ideas

Makayla Maynard, Staff Writer

Since the beginning of time (well, almost), there has been a yearbook class at SHS. Due to low enrollment, that ended last year. Last yearai??i??s yearbook, the Pioneer, Ai??was created by a club with Ms. Karin Thornton and Ms. Deb Thornhill as advisers. Now, as the new school year opens up, students are more motivated than ever in contributing to the success in making this yearbook.

With 29 students enrolled in the course, the class is back in session with Ms. Anna Baughman as the adviser. She is hopeful for this yearai??i??s Pioneer, and has described her class as ai???bright, active

ai???They all have their own range of talents,ai??? said Baughman. In ceramics, I tell the students what to do and they do it, but with yearbook everyone has their own different ideas of what we should Baughman also says she feels ai???excitedai??? to make this work.

The class meets every day to gather pictures and discuss ideas. ai???Because itai??i??s not a club, there are no officers,ai??? said Baughman.

Her goal is to give the students in the yearbook class the opportunity to create their yearbook the way they want to.

The Pioneer is being designed on iMac computers through a program called Pictivo. Like last yearai??i??s yearbook, the final publication will be available in hard copy only.

Since yearbook is a huge token of school pride for all students, it is important to create a quality yearbook. It serves to remind people of who they used to be and of the fun times they enjoyed in school.

Being able to create that for people is an amazing opportunity for the students. ai???We hope to produce a book just as good as last year,ai??? said Baughman.

Staff and students can expect yearbook to be sold just two weeks before graduation. Don’t forget to buy your yearbook when the time comes! Prices may range between $70-$80 depending on the time they are ordered.

For more information or questions about yearbook, contact Ms. Baughman.