Carol Melo
Parents: Catalina Canizares and Jose Melo
Escorts: Catalina Canizares (mother), Cesar (brother), and Marina (grandmother)
Organizations/Clubs/Sports:Ai?? Best Buddies; Volleyball Team; Track & Field Manager; FBLA; Student Government Treasurer; Mini-THON Captain; Leader of a homeless association in N.J.
Future Plans:Ai?? To attend a four-year university with a major in accounting. I hope to take many classes abroad to learn and experience more cultures around the world.
Acknowledgements:Ai?? First, I would like to say that none of this would have been possible if werenai??i??t for all my peers that voted for me. Ai??Thank you for acknowledging all my hard work and good qualities. Ai??Also, I would like to thank my number one fan, my mother, because she made me the person I am today. Ai??I want to thank my biggest supporter, my brother, for always being by my side in all my decisions and actions. Ai??I want to thank my whole family for cheering me on my whole life. Ai??I want to thank Zachary Popolla as well,Ai?? for pushing me to try my hardest and for encouragingAi?? me to reach my goals, and for supporting me in everything, and last but not least, I want to thank all my friends that have been by my side when I need them the most.