Chamber Orchestra is a special group, performances listed below

November 17, 2017
ai???Stroudsburg is the only high school in this county that has an orchestra program,ai??? said Ms. Lisa Rogers.
Chamber Orchestra is a special group. It is not a class, itai??i??s an extracurricular ensemble that students have to audition for in order to join. Between 20 and 30 people make the cuts each year. The group meets once a week for rehearsals to prepare for various concerts.
ai???I love being involved with people who care about music as much as I do,” said Jessica Hall, a bass player. “I also enjoy being able to learn and have fun at the same time.”
According to Rogers, Chamber Orchestra is a unique group.Ai??ai???I think this offers kids opportunities to excel in something they won’t be able to get anywhere else,ai??? she said.
If students are interested in trying out for next year, they should contact Ms. Rogers.
Check out the SHS chamber orchestraai??i??s concerts! (Dates listed below)
–December 12, 2017 (accompanied by the Concert Choir) 7:00 p.m.Ai?? in the SHS auditorium
-February 28, 2018 (SASD Chamber, 5th grade to 12th grade)Ai?? 7:00 p.m.Ai?? in the SHS auditorium
-May 3, 2018 Extracurricular Ensemble –Ai??7:00 p.m.Ai?? in the SHS auditorium
Chamber Orchestra Senior Student Leaders:
-Toni Anne ZitoAi?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai??Ai??-Hannah Defino
-Acadia HolbertAi?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai??Ai??-Erin Hunt
-Noelle PerezAi?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? -Antonios Stylianides
-Christie LeeAi?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai??-Missy Salvadeo
-Fred CatalanoAi?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai?? Ai??-Joseph Tonnies
Freddie Catalano • Dec 7, 2017 at 7:19 AM
That’s pretty accurate!!^
Lisa Rogers • Nov 22, 2017 at 10:29 AM
Nice job, Helana!! Thanks for the article!!
Helana Hunter • Nov 29, 2017 at 10:56 AM