SHS provides support for troubled teens

Victoria Arce, Staff Writer

All you have to do is talk,” said Ms. Mindy Tkach, co-adviser of the club Avedium at SHS. “Talk to anyone and do not keep what you’re feeling all to yourselves.”

SHS tries to make this possible by providing a variety of services to help support students in need. A few of the resources include Avedium, the SHS Resource officer, Teen Central, and Student Assistance Program (SAP).

The first place a troubled student can always go is the guidance office.

Do not shut yourself off, ” said Ms. Theresa Onody, school counselor and adviser of National Honor Society. “Get involved. Some clubs are Key Club, TSA, SAAD, Best Buddies, GSA, and Interact Club, just to name a few off the top of my head.”

Many more resources can be found in the Activities Office and the Club/Activities section on this site.

Onody encourages students to join clubs and become more active members of the school community so the student can practice their social skills and also perhaps have an opportunity to talk to other students.

Onody shared that there are other outlets for students, as well. “Teencentral is one of the many anonymous chat rooms at the disposal of the students, said Onody. Teencentral is a website where teens may write about any issues that is going on in their life, from depression to home issues and everything in between. Certified counselors from all around the country will answer the teens and guide them into a better state of mind.

Another program SHS offers is the Student Assistance Program (SAP). The purpose behind this program is to make sure the SHS community is communicating and helping each other in a time of need. A concerned student or staff member can simply pick up a form in the guidance office, fill it out anonymously, and turn it in at the same location.

Teachers can play an important role in helping troubled students, letting students know that they are there to help.

Tkach is one of the teachers at SHS who is actively trying to provide support for troubled students.

Some things that teenagers have access to that may help them is the Suicide Hotline,” said Tkach. “Another thing they can do is come down to Aevidum.”

The suicide hotline website states: It provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their number isAi??1(800) 273-8255.

Aevidum shatters the silence that surrounds depression, suicide, and other issues facing youth,” said Tkach. “We strive to create healthy communities where everyone feels accepted, appreciated, acknowledged, and cared for in schools.”

For some students, Aevidum can serve as the catalyst needed to start the journey back to a more positive self.

Students may not be aware that SHS has a Student Resource Officer (SRO), Mr. Joseph Susinskas, at the high school on a daily basis. Officer Susinskas is available to help all students at SHS.

It is important for SHS students to be aware of all the resources available at SHS. Principal Mr. Jeffrey Sodl, the SHS administration, and the staff are available, and students should not hesitate to approach them if they need help.

Here are several important links:

loveisrespect, National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline

(866) 331-9474


919-231-4525 or 1-877-235-4525


Also here is the email for our SRO officer:

[email protected]