Time for your chance to “Walk with a Doc”

March 20, 2018
The local St. Luke’s is hosting an upcoming educational opportunity April 9. The new program series is called “Walk with a Doc”.

Participants that attend the program’s walk have the chance to listen in on an educational briefing. Questions for the presenter are encouraged for those interested. After that there is a 30 minute walk that fulfills the daily recommended amount of exercise.
The program is free for all ages so feel free and stop by one day. The walks start at 5:00p.m. and go until June 18. Each meeting will start in the main lobby of the St. Luke’s Monroe Campus hospital.
If you have any questions call St. Luke’s info link at 1-866-STLUKES (Prompt4).
Vikki Touma • Mar 29, 2018 at 9:19 AM
I think this is a good idea for students who want to become a doctor or nurse. For students who want to go into the medical field this is a good opportunity from them to see whats its like and see what challenges might come there way when they work in a hospital.