Mini-THON Committee counts down the days
April 25, 2018
50, 49, 48, 47. The days are quickly counting down towards one big end-of-year event: Mini-THON.
This year’s Mini-THON public relations committee has taken on a hefty task in the weeks leading up to the event — a full fifty-day social media countdown.
Pictures of dancers, committee members, and executives are being posted each day, in which they hold a sign signifying the number of days left until the event.
“I thought that a good way to feature our large and diverse team this year was to post about everyone on our instagram page,” said senior public relations chair Audrey Razak. “So I decided to start a countdown in which everyone could be a part of the social media accounts.”
The countdown has been used to update students on important event information immediately when it becomes available. Multiple students reported having contributed to the organization directly as a result of the countdown on social media.
“It has gotten me amped up for sure,” said senior Mark Hall. “It has made me realize that we need to fund-raise more. We need to be conscious and get more people involved.”
On May 11, the day of Mini-THON, students and committee members alike look to push towards a positive outcome — this countdown being only one of the many forms of community outreach taken on by the organization.