Student Spotlight on Irianna Ortega

How have you liked your experience in Stroudsburg? Are you excited to leave or saddened?

My experience at Stroudsburg was interesting, to say the least, but I definitely made the most fun out of it. Graduating from Stroudsburg is going to be a bittersweet feeling.

What is your favorite thing about SHS?

My favorite thing about Stroudsburg is how devoted the students are for the well being of the school. The students at Stroudsburg strive to do things that benefits the school in the long run and also we are involved in current events and how it affects the youths culture.

Do you feel as though the school has changed drastically over the years?

I wouldn’t say that the school has changed except that the rules are being enforced much more than before.

What is your favorite memory you have at SHS?

My best memory was basically all of sophomore year because my sister was a senior so we were able to have Spanish class together  and also the end of this year is a bit hectic but extremely exciting for me.

What was your favorite class you took over the years?

Well that’s a difficult question because there are classes that i liked the material of, but then there were classes were the material wasn’t interesting, but the teacher was. For example i loved Chemistry, English, and AP US History because I had Mrs.West, Mrs. Ramstine, and Mr. Thornton. I loved Psychology as well.

What do you want to be when you are older?

I have a general idea being that I want to do something that pertains to sports science, but then again I want to be a chef or an archeologist.

Lastly, what is something you want the student body to know about you?

I would like the student body to know that although I’m a loud person who speaks their mind, I am extremely understanding and empathetic towards others.

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