Keystone Exams

Keystone Exams

May 17, 2018

We’re in the home stretch of the year with about 18 days left for K-11, and you know what that means? Keystone Exams!

The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in the subject areas of Algebra I, Literature, and Biology.

We begin with biology, exploring photosynthesis and the X and Y chromosomes. Those testing days will be the 21 and the 22nd. A biology student performing at an advanced level demonstrates a thorough conceptual understanding of science content and the application of skills and processes related to biological concepts.

On Wednesday, the 23rd and Thursday, the 24th will be the literature keystones. You will need to demonstrate a thorough use of sophisticated reading strategies to comprehend fiction and nonfiction.

The make-up day for the exams will be held on the 25th.

Then, on the 29th and 30th of May, students that took Algebra 1 course this school year will take the math keystones! Students must demonstrate an in‐depth understanding of the skills, concepts, and procedures in Algebra I and is able to model, analyze, solve, and evaluate complex problems (including real‐world problems).

The results of the tests will be mailed on August 17th, 2018.

Study hard, eat a good breakfast, and good luck!

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