Learning about the life of an ESU student

Seth Alkhuja, Staff Writer

Although East Stroudsburg University is only about a five minute drive from SHS, it could seem like a world away when you don’t know what to expect.

What with a large portion of the 2018 graduating class arriving there in the fall, it’s best to offer them some insight into what it will be like, in order to calm any nerves about starting.

One main part of the college experience is dorming if you’re living directly on campus. ESU offers many different traditional dorming halls: Laurel, Lenape, Linden, Minsi, and Shawnee. There are also the Sycamore, Hawthorn, and Hemlock suites, along with the University ridge and apartments, reserved for upperclass students.

The traditional dorming halls are 12’ x 16’ rooms, and come with a closet, bed, and desk for each roommate, along with a large dresser to share. For each hall, there is a communal bathroom and kitchen, a computer lab, laundry room, study areas, cable and wifi, and a lounge with pool tables, ping pong tables, and even a piano.

If you have not had a roommate before, it can also seem pretty daunting, since you’re both new to each other’s presence while living in such close proximity.

“I for one have a great roommate that, after a year, was more like a brother than a roommate-but most of the time that’s not the case. It’s rough living with people who aren’t you, especially in such a close environment,” says David DiTota, a freshman Minsi Hall resident.

Although, when asked how dorming was different to living at home, he replied: “Freedom. A lot more freedom.”

As a resident at ESU, you will also receive a meal plan, and more scholastic opportunities.

Visitors are always welcome into dorms from 10AM to 1PM, so long as they have a pass from their host. The students themselves can leave anytime, although it is mandatory to leave during spring and winter breaks.

Now, more about the campus itself. There are 3 gyms on campus, one of which has a pool open to the public every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:30PM-8:30PM. There is the Union (where you will probably find yourself at every day), which is like one big cafeteria, stock full of lounges to hang out and study. Events are held on campus every day. There are events to raise awareness, as well as discussions, celebrations, bake sales just to name a few.

Crime is a concern for any campus, although at times, it cannot be avoided. Located all over campus are blue Emergency buttons that can be pressed in case of any trouble.

When it comes to the classes themselves, it can be very different compared to high school.

“You have a lot of say in how your classes are lined up, but I like to keep my schedule to 3 classes (which span about 50 minutes each) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and one class on Tuesday and Thursday,” says David.

When asked how the classes work-specifically, attendance- he said: “It all depends on the teacher, some flunk you after 3 absences, some don’t even take attendance. Most of the time, in my experience, they don’t really care.”

“The hours are better but the work is much much harder,” he continues, “The college I go to is not like the ones in the films…although, I suppose college is what you make of it.”