Parting freshman offers advice to incoming freshman class

Madison Hentze

Hey there upcoming 9th graders, school stressing you out? Well, prepare to be overwhelmed even more! Just kidding… but you should really look into prepping for next year because some of your teachers won’t take it easy on you. Depending on the teacher, that is. Then again, this is only the scary part of 9th grade.

If you’re not doing good right now in school, then maybe you should consider trying to motivate yourself to get better grades for next year. That’s when it matters after all, because that’s when it will be going onto your permanent record for colleges to look at. Also, you might want to consider putting in a good effort at trying to get your projects and homework done early.  Do NOT put it off until the last minute. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but really, do I even have to ask how many people have been guilty of this?

Heck, even I’ve been guilty of this. But just think about this for a second: Is it really that you’re getting huge loads of homework, or are you overreacting just a little bit? I mean, homework in 9th grade is also sometimes troublesome, but it isn’t bad all the time. And teachers try not to strain their students when they give out homework (most of the time). So it would be best to do your homework and classwork on time and to the best of your ability.

Relax, I didn’t get to finish. I know there will be some people that will still worry, so I’ll relieve that incoming stress right now. For starters, you’ll most likely not get that much homework when you come to 9th grade (at least from my experience) because you learn most of the stuff that you need in class. When I say “not much”, I mean that you will probably get about 1-2 worksheets per day (I know there will be someone that will still consider this too much), which isn’t really that bad.

Also, the teachers give you a bit more independence (considering that you’re one grade higher than a year prior) and don’t get down on you on certain things. So take it easy, 9th grade is not as bad as it seems when you look at it optimistically. So, just do what you’re assigned to do, and just make due with the time of having your first experience as a high schooler to try and enjoy yourself. High school is not what it seems like on T.V.