Eighth Grader Advice

May 31, 2018
Many students assume that ninth grade is just another year. But ninth grade is getting you ready for high school. Your teachers will be harder and a lot more strict on you to prepare you for this important time in your life.
Ninth grade is the year that colleges start to look at your grades. They can see how much trouble you’ve gotten into, what activities you do and other things. It’s important to be careful about what you do.
The ninth grade class of Stroudsburg Junior High School has advice for the eighth graders. Take into consideration the challenges and struggles that will come with your ninth grade year in the Stroudsburg Junior High School.
“Don’t act up more than you already do.” Sarah Crowley-Juliano
“If you have Muller, PREPARE YOURSELF” Bryanna Morykan
“Don’t skip class.” Nardin Mikhail
“Stay in school, don’t do drugs, don’t play Fortnite.” Maximus Dipaola
“If you have Dobroski for Keystone Biology, get ready to take notes Every. Single. Day.” Anonymous
“Cry in the shower so nobody can see your tears.” Bryanna Morykan
“Scream into your pillow, not at your teacher.” Adriana Pooler
“Stay positive and live life.” Kaison Williams
“Make sure you always do your homework and stay positive.” Arlene Bunker
“Don’t be immature.” Mckenna Pizzo
“Calm down, it gets better.” Emma Kintz
“Keep the drama on a low. People don’t need to hear about your problems from the other side of the school.” Nardin Mikhail
Connor Kearns • Nov 19, 2018 at 11:20 PM
try your hardest to be organized so you don’t lose your homework and get zeros for no reason like i did
Jason koch • Nov 14, 2018 at 1:49 PM
Stay positive do your homework and study for an hour a day if you pace out your essays and work it will be a lot easier than doing it all in one night, and if you need help you can always ask. Everyone around will always try there best to help you.
Anonymous • Nov 14, 2018 at 12:47 PM
Ninth grade is one of the most important year of high school take it seriously
Mariana Gatling • Nov 14, 2018 at 11:43 AM
I feel like this is really good advice for upcoming Freshman. Maybe it’ll help them understand better being that it’s coming from students and not teachers or parents.
Derek Amat • Nov 14, 2018 at 10:47 AM
Take Bio your Freshman year, don’t wait to get to the High School to take it. Mr. Zimm is the best
Charlie Grimsey • Nov 14, 2018 at 8:25 AM
Man, this article could not possibly be more accurate! 9th grade certanly wasn’t easy, ‘specially for me. but to all you 8th graders, here’s some solid advice: WRITE STUFF DOWN.
I know your wondering, “but Charlie, i can always remember stuff! i’m sure that I can remember my homework and all the things my teachers can teach me!” well I felt that same way at first, but only a month or so after I started freshman year i got PUMELED.
Trust me, if you don’t take notes during classes you will forget almost any information you learn by the time that test rolls around. i know most of you hate writing things, and its ‘boring’ or whatever, but believe me, it will make your 9th grade classes a bajillion times easier!
Sarina Franco • Nov 13, 2018 at 1:43 PM
Even though this article is manly directed towards 8th graders and I’m currently in the 10th grade it’s a great reminder. I always try to stay on my best behavior, get my work done and participate in class, but that’s not everyone’s moto. From going to school with pretty much the same people for the past years you Get familiar with your class as a whole. There’s many people who haven’t realized the importance of doing good in school just an once of more effort can change there education in the future.
Bailey Goldberg • Nov 13, 2018 at 1:30 PM
It’s so much easier to just do your work and not procrastinate. Grades are important, do not take them lightly
Anonymous • Oct 25, 2018 at 12:28 PM
P.S. Ms. Michalska will try to fail you
Anonymous • Oct 25, 2018 at 12:26 PM
“Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Balas are the the best teachers.” Anonymous