Creative Writing Club opens doors and windows to writers

October 11, 2015
Calling all new and experienced writers! Ever feel like there is never a free moment in your schedule to let your imagination flow? Well, now there is time, and there is a place.
For over a decade, Stroudsburg High School has continued to offer a Creative Writing Club that meets every other Wednesday in room C125. It continues to grow and bring in new students each year.
“The Creative Writing Club brings out the best writing in everyone,ai??? said senior Lily Sobrinski, a current member.
At every meeting, students are given two hours to write and express their talent. Optional prompts are given to help the mind wander, but students are always allowed to toil with their own work as well.
Some days at meetings, students share their writing and are given feedback from other students to help improve their writing.
ai???The club gives writers the opportunity to meet with other writers,ai??? said adviser Ms. Shari Griswold. ai???You are also given the chance to publish your own work in Stroudsburgai??i??s literary magazine, Parallels,ai???
Parallels is a literary magazine that is published each spring by the Creative Writing Club. Students in the club are responsible for putting it together and help edit each otherai??i??s work. Poetry, short stories, and plays can be submitted by anyone in the high school. If students would like to know more about the submission process, contact Ms. Griswold at [email protected]
ai???I am so impressed with the dedication students have and the passion they put into the writing,ai??? Griswold added.
Griswold has the support of three student assistants. Seniors Julia Hilbert, Brianna Cummings, and Evalena Labayen are student editors who help students with their writing. They have created a welcoming atmosphere and encourage students to come out.
ai???The club has impacted my high school experience by giving me people to share my writing with in order to receive criticism, and friends that I may not met any other way,ai??? said Hilbert.
This year, the club is starting new. Griswold and the student editors will collect the membersai??i?? work and submit it to literature websites. Websites include Teen Ink, which is a website for teen work, and other national writing magazines. Students may get their writing viewed worldwide and become known to other teen authors like themselves.
The next meeting is October 14, and all newcomers are welcome.
ai???You never know, Stroudsburg may be known for the next big editor or writer,ai??? said Griswold.