Student Government organizes events, promotes community awareness

Lindsey Fedor, Staff Writer

The Stroudsburg High School Student Government officers have been hard at work preparing for several exciting upcoming events. Ai??They already helped create another successful Activities Fair. Ai??Now, they are planning the homecoming dance, spirit weeks, the powderpuff game, and their biggest event of the year: Mini-THON.

However student government does more than just set up events. Their main goal is really to help the school and community any way they can.

ai???They are empowered to do what they think is necessary,ai??? said adviser Mr. Andrew Kurnas.

The student government fundraises for the community as well as families in need, in addition to planning many of the school functions.

ai???The most rewarding part is knowing that youai??i??re doing something to better the community, and your actions really are making a difference,ai??? said senior Adam DeSchriver, the clubai??i??s president.

One new way the officers are making an effort to generate more membership is with their newly-formed Mini-THON committee. After last yearai??i??s Mini-THON, they realized that it needed much more attention, so they created a specific committee. Ai??One of the committeeai??i??s goals is encourage student involvement to students outside of student government, as well.

Following an application and interview process, the committee, consisting of about 15 students, focuses on the planning another successful Mini-THON.

ai???It is a really big time commitment, but itai??i??s worth it in the end,ai??? DeSchriver said. Ai??

With approximately 70 members, Student Government is always looking to expand. Ai??For the past couple of years, however, the organizationai??i??s numbers have been down a bit, so they are always trying to find new blood. One way to do that is to target the sophomore class, which is relatively new to the high school. Ai??

Another way Student Government tries to drum up interest is through their end-of-the-year awareness campaign. Ai??Kurnas explained how students can become part of Student Government.

ai???There are many announcements made at the end of the year,ai??? said Kurnas, ai???You go through an application process and put yourself on a ballot. If there are enough students interested, it goes to a

If students are interested in joining the student government, they can contact Kurnas in Room C-209, talk to a member, or keep an ear out for any upcoming announcements regarding committees and upcoming meetings.

DeSchriver did not hesitate about sharing his enthusiasm for the organization, and he insisted students ai???definitely get involved if youai??i??re passionate about helping out the school and the