Emily Rafikia

Spotlight on Nina Goldshmid

What activities or hobbies do you enjoy outside of school?

One of my favorite and most time-consuming hobbies out of school is dance. It’s a great way to express myself creatively and get a nice work out in. I also love hanging with my friends and family, community service, makeup, and reading.

What is your goal for this year?

My goal for this year and every other year is to just do my best. That can mean a lot of things like school and standardized tests, but this goal also applies socially and physically. I don’t want to do something just to do it, I want to excel. To be more specific though, I plan to run for student rep to the board.

What is something that most people may not know about you?

I have a YouTube channel called My Name Is Nina. You should subscribe, It’s fun.

What is your greatest weakness?

My biggest weakness is that it’s difficult for me to open pickle jars.

What is your biggest motivation?

I just enjoy doing what I’m doing. When I have to do things I don’t want to do but I have to do, I understand that I’m doing it for my own benefit or others.

What is your life motto?

Don’t make promises. When you say you will do something for someone you should mean it, but making promises is irresponsible cause you never know what will get in the way. Also, don’t take life too seriously.

What is your favorite vine?

“Hey I’m lesbian.”

“I thought you were American.”

What is your favorite joke?


Who is your favorite musician?

Frank Ocean

What is something you think students should be more concerned about?

Climate change. Many students including myself have goals for success which can take time, effort, and money. It’s kind of odd to think about how climate change may affect those goals, but that stuff is scary and affects us all weather you know it or not. See what I did there lol.

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