Mini-THON announces first-ever Mr. Mountaineer Pageant
Event offers junior and senior boys a chance to show their talent and style
Photograph borrowed with permission by Stroudsburg Mini-THON
Photo via SHS minithon
March 30, 2019
You’re walking down the aisle while the whole school is smiling and clapping just for you.
But the only way you can garner this attention is if you signed up for the first annual Mr. Mountaineer Pageant. If you missed the opportunity you can always go enjoy the show! The pageant is April 16 at SHS. Junior and senior boys can show off their talents, eat all the food they can stuff in, and show off their nicest suit or even bathing suit!
This event is being hosted by this year’s Mini-THON. The fundraising team is always coming up with new ideas, which they often find on a Mini-THON website called FTK Nation. This particular idea came from another school which raised a lot of money from the event.
Mini-THON is an overnight fundraiser for FTK (For The Kids). It is a non-profit organization that raises money for pediatric cancer. The proceeds go towards research, cost of care, and making sure special care providers are able to take care of the children and families. This year Mini-THON will be held on April 26-27th.
“We hope for Mr. Mountaineer to evolve into something bigger as the years go on, said senior Madi Stewart, who is on the Event Fundraising committee “Since mostly seniors are creating this event it’s a nice farewell to us, and we’re planting a seed for the future that will hopefully blossom.”
The Mini-THON team is excited to see how the organization will grow. Every year a new group of people bring in ideas and promises to help expand what SHS already has done.
“Mr. Mountaineer will not be taking the place of Mr. and Miss Mini-THON,” said Stewart.
The Mini-THON team are also excited to see how the surrounding schools grow into larger events, because at the end of the day it is all For The Kids.
For more information about the Mr. Mountaineer pageant or Mini-THON, go to, or contact any of the Mini-THON members or adviser Ms. Sarah Davis at [email protected] (room F107).