Runners and walkers encourage to sign up for the Mountie Mountain 5K Race
The class of 2020 is hosting a kids’ fun run/walk 5k on Sunday, September 22.
Rain or shine, participators will be running on the school’s very own Mountie Mountain, which is located behind the Stroudsburg Junior High School. The mountain is not to be underestimated.
Senior class adviser Ms. Shari Griswold believes the students will enjoy running this trail and climbing the mountain.
“It’s a challenging course and it’s one that a lot of the students already know.”
Interested runners should arrive early to warm up. Check in closes at 9:45 a.m. Spectators should be early as well because the run start at 10:00 a.m. sharp.
The course starts behind the junior high school. From there, the runners will run towards the front of the school and then back to the entrance of the mountain. The course is two loops, so runners will repeat that process a second time.
There will be awards for the top runners in each age group and an award for the first place male and female.
Advance registration is only $15.00. The fee goes up to 20.00 on race day. Runners can sign up on race day, as well.
Friends and family are encouraged to come out and either cheer the on the runners.