German students visit Stroudsburg High School

Enjoy the photo gallery of GAPP participants, by Amaya Cruz

Tyler Stone, Staff Writer

The German American Partnership Program (GAPP) started off with a bang with a special “meet and greet” breakfast in the SHS library. Both German and American students had the opportunity to socialize and get to know each other through icebreakers and games.

The German students have been attending classes with their American hosts in order to get a look at how American classes operate. They have also been attending after-school activities such as sporting events and club meetings.

Besides hanging with their American hosts, the Germans have gone on several field trips such as a trip down to Philadelphia, a historic walking tour of downtown Stroudsburg, and a walking tour of East Stroudsburg University. They will wrap up their stay in the U.S. by touring New York City this weekend.

“I believe it’s incredibly valuable to learn about another culture first hand,” said Mr. Matt Sobrinski, GAPP Coordinator along with Ms. Janice Lee. “For the Stroudsburg students to go to school every day with German students provides them an opportunity to do just that.”

Sobrinski also stated: “I hope that the students at Stroudsburg high school gain an appreciation for students from another country.”

“I really like [America] because it’s a very nice experience to live the life of the American students and also to compare it to the German life,” Annika Wernert, a German student said.

“The strangest thing I’ve seen [in America] was the graveyard in Stroudsburg because in Germany they’re more tidied up and there are also more colorful because on every grave [there] are flowers.” Wernert also stated.

The GAPP students leave on Friday, so make sure to say hello to them, or even participate in our photo contest before then!

Enjoy the photo gallery by Amaya Cruz