Student Resource Officer (SRO) enthusiastic about job

Officer Cohowicz eager to meet students

Justin Buynak, Staff Writer

Around the halls of Stroudsburg High School, there is a new student resource officer making sure that you can go through your high school day worry-free.

The new officer is Mr. Robert Cohowicz, an SHS graduate. Until recently, Cohowicz been working with the Stroud Regional Police Department.

Cohowicz is excited about being back at his alma mater.  He said that one of his goals is to be visible to the staff and students. According to Cohowicz, he intends to interact “with the students as much as I can, getting them to know who I am, and getting to know who they are.”

For anyone that doesn’t know, the officer’s job is to enforce the school policy and to instruct students on his job. The resource officer will visit classrooms to tell students about his line of work, what he has seen and what he has to do on a daily basis. He also hopes to make connections with the students with each visit, because the more students trust him, the better he and the SHS administration can protect students.

“I love seeing him around the halls, he makes our school a lot safer” said SHS principal Mr. Jeffrey Sodl.

“I remind them that every decision they make today will affect them for the rest of their whether it’s good or bad,” said Cohowicz. Regarding decision-making, he offered sensible advice. “Sound choices are best for their future.”

Cohowicz has already visited several classes this year.  He is willing and eager to visit others.  He encourages students and staff to reach out to him, and he will respond by visiting their classes, as well.