SHS girls cross country makes history, travels to Hershey

Congratulations to the girls cross country team for being the first girls cross country team ever from Monroe County to qualify for the state meet in Hershey, Pennsylvania this past weekend.

The team placed an impressive 13th overall. Ai??The cross country team, which consists of approximately 75 members, was well represented at the state meet. Ai??Nine SHS runners earned the privilege to run at the state meet.

Junior Allana Powllete finished 38th, junior Michelle Joyce 64th, and freshman Amy Conboy 66th. Ai??Freshman Taylor Garrett, junior Lauren Bruckstein, senior Charlie Cimino, and senior Alexa Vaghenas also had strong performances.

For the SHS boys, junior Teddy Mostellar and sophomore Matt Bodon also competed, and represented Stroudsburg well. Mostellar finished 154th and Bodon 168th.

Look for an in-depth story and a photo gallery next week.