Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) partners with Best Buddies
The successful club to work with Common Threads and Common Grounds

When it comes to SHS clubs going above and beyond, Future Business Leaders of America never disappoints. Last year they had an amazing year with multiple teams placing in states and with several students heading to Nationals. They are aiming to do even better than ever this coming year!
FBLA will have individuals and groups representing them at states.
This year they will be submitting the chapter project for Partnership with Business. The purpose of this project is for FBLA members to learn about business through communication and interaction with a business of the chapter’s choice.
The SHS chapter has decided to partner up with two of Stroudsburg High School Non-profit businesses: Common Threads and Common Grounds.
“[This] partnership came to fruition when all parties realized we needed help in three main areas: accounting and finances, marketing/advertising and our connections to the community via different media’s virtual, social and print, said Ms. Heather Nowosad, one of the Best Buddies advisers. “As a result, this partnership has made connections between our future employers and our future employees.”
As for Ms. Kathy Sickler, the FBLA adviser, she is very excited about this new partnership.
“We started this project because we thought It was a great opportunity for students to help others,” Sickler said. “It’s great how FBLA students can help and educate the students involved in these programs [Common Threads, Common Grounds, Common Clerical].”
Here are the three branches:
Accounting – Ben Reyes with help of underclassmen Gigi Schimpf, Abigail Puskar, Nirali Patel, Riya Patel.
Technology and Marketing – Nina Goldshmid with help from underclassmen Damon Paterson, Emily Rafikia, and Christian Jones.
Social Media and Advertising – Ivana Karataseva with help from underclassmen, Shahid Khan, Paraskevi Briegel, Pruthvi Patel.
Each of these branches has specific responsibilities. The Accounting branch helps count and report the money. Technology and Marketing is in charge of the electronic bulletin board. While Social Media and Advertising is in charge of making flyers, as well as running the Instagram and Facebook for @bestbuddies.mounties.
That’s not even all of what this partnership offers. Business Buddies also uses members of FBLA to teach students with disabilities different skills they would need in the workplace from the three branches.
“The partnership has allowed our differently-abled students to come together and to work together,” said Nowosad.