SHS students to hold auditions for TV show pitch
Students interested in acting should act on this unique opportunity
This is a flyer promoting the auditions for Locked In. However there is an error on the flyer, auditions will be held in Mrs. Batt’s room.
December 20, 2019
Do you remember the play “Locked In” from last year? Well we’re bringing your favorite characters back from obscurity and are taking a whole new spin on the story.
May 3, 2019 is a day that I’ll always remember. It was the first time that my work was ever performed in such a way in front of a huge crowd like the student body. We were able to perform as being part of the Drama 2 class, where putting on a show for the school is apart of the class. However our show was different because I was one of few students who was given the opportunity to write their own one act play.
The general feedback from the play was highly positive and we always wanted to continue the story in one way or another but we could never figure out how.
That was until November 30, 2019. I woke up and had an amazing thought: What if I turned the aftermath of the play into a TV Show? I sat at my table and began working on storylines and new characters. I then contacted my former cast members as well to let them know of my ideas for this show.
So for the past few weeks, I’ve been relentlessly working on the script with 2019 graduates: Naomi Spires-Nevarez, Kasim Petersen, and Gabe Howard, along with a ton of help and guidance from Ms. Batt.
I’ve also been contacting companies such as Netflix and Hulu along with major television networks such as The CW and MTV to set up meetings to formally pitch the show as well as getting in touch with numerous agencies to help represent us. I’ve even obtained permission from Mr. Sodl, our principal, to use the school for auditions and filming purposes.
Now that’s why I’m here today. I am asking for anyone that is interested to please come and audition for a role on our show. We have fourteen new roles available and we’re hoping to get some of the best talent around here possible!
My contact information is on the flyer. It’s best to reach me through text if you are interested in the role and would like to obtain the requirements necessary for auditioning. We also have an Instagram! It’s @ Lockedintv2020 so make sure to follow that.
The open roles are posted below. I am beyond excited to see who decides to come out for auditions and wish all that do the best of luck!
Here’s a link to the original show, filmed by 2019 graduate Zach Larsen.
Charlie Grimsey • Dec 23, 2019 at 4:40 PM
Wow! This is just incredible, it really is!
I can only imagine how excited everyone is to be working on such a fun project and have all of this passion gone into it.
not only that, but just the idea of having a whole show based on your play must feel awsome! ^^
I wonder how excited stroudsburgs students are to have a chance to take part in this. good luck tyler! :) im so curious to see how this all turns out!
In the meantime, ill be looking forward to auditioning myself….
Charlie Grimsey • Dec 23, 2019 at 4:40 PM
Wow! This is just incredible, it really is!
I can only imagine how excited everyone is to be working on such a fun project and have all of this passion gone into it.
not only that, but just the idea of having a whole show based on your play must feel awsome! ^^
I wonder how excited stroudsburgs students are to have a chance to take part in this. good luck tyler! :) im so curious to see how this all turns out!
In the meantime, ill be looking forward to auditioning myself….