Student Spotlight on Kevin Duffy

Kevin Clark, Staff Writer

What motivates you to come to school?

What motivates me to come to school is the opportunity to see my friends and most of my teachers. I’ve made a lot of friends at Stroudsburg and made great connections with some of my teachers over the last two years. I also feel way more motivated to learn while I’m in school instead of at home.

Who are your favorite teachers and why?

My favorite teachers are Ms. Mchale and Mr. Smith. Ms. Mchale has been kind and helpful to me ever since I transferred to Stroudsburg and has gone out of her way to help me in her class. Mr. Smith is a great teacher and always finds ways to make his class interesting.

What are your plans after graduation?

My plans after graduation are to either become a registered nurse or earn a degree in business. I would also like to play either soccer or football in college but I have not decided yet.

What is unique about your personality?

Something unique about my personality is that I can’t hold a grudge. It’s very easy for me to get over most things and I take a very laid back approach to many of my problems. I encourage other people to have this same mindset.

What is your favorite thing about SHS?

My favorite thing about SHS has been how close I am with most of my teachers, and I’ve made a diverse group of friends. Coming from a small Catholic school that had 50 kids per grade, I was nervous at first that I wouldn’t fit in well at Stroudsburg. It’s great that I’m in an environment where I’ve got to know many different types of people.

What was your favorite class at SHS?

 My favorite class at SHS has been 9th period sports marketing with Ms. Striba in my junior year. If you were in this class you know how much fun it was.