SASD school board votes down 4-day hybrid proposal
Students in Mrs. Nicholson’s 6th period class feel they are learning better, being hybrid students.
Recently Stroudsburg High School began looking for a way to make it possible for students to return to in person classes for four days. An email was sent to the students for their parents to fill out on whether they would like to change the way they are learning.
This new model would replace the old two day hybrid model where the student body was split in half and sent for only two days. The four day hybrid model wouldn’t take away the options for students to continue learning remotely or continue learning through the Stroudsburg Area Cyber Academy. Some students were very excited for the opportunity to return to school for 4 days.
“If we switched to four days a week I would continue with hybrid learning, I feel I learn better with face to face teaching,” said Lauren Youngken 21’. “I would prefer to go four days a week so I could learn better as well as see my friends in the beginning half of the alphabet.”
On the other hand, some students felt that it might be a little too soon to return to school for four days.
“I think I am happy that we didn’t go four days because we just got into the swing with two days, and I think it was consistent the way it was.” said Victoria Chirco 22’.
“I am happy we aren’t going to four days yet because there are still covid cases like the recent one at morey and the ones at pv.” said Steven Tran 21’. “I would feel comfortable with having more students in the class but not just yet.”
On Wednesday’s Oct. 23 school board meeting the board would decide whether they would bring high school students back for four days or not.
“This is a critical decision,” said principal Mr. Jeffery Sodl, to the school board. “It is obvious that we are a public high school and students need to be here. We have 462 students who are failing one subject, which is a significant change since last year, when it used to be in the double digits.” He explained to the school board, ”we need to get back into the swing of things.”
The board was wary about being able to fit the students in classrooms, and the safety of family, students, and the community. They also weren’t sure how transportation would work, as well as if there would be enough ventilation.
“Right now we are all solid with transportation, and we can turn this around in a day,” said superintendent Dr. Cosmas Curry, addressing the board. “As far as ventilation, these issues have been resolved in the district. As long as we are masked and six feet apart, we feel confident with what is given to the board tonight.”
The school board was still wary, and felt the only way to proceed, while allowing the vote to go through, was with more information. The school board ended up rejecting the recommendation to bring students back. The vote was two Yes and six No.
The school district, as well as the schools within it, are still working very hard to find any possible way to give the students an opportunity to learn better.
Below are some links on some statistics and other information about this new learning model: