SHS yearbook, The Pioneer, chooses Netflix as main theme

The Pioneer explores uncharted waters to produce a quality publication

Photo via mounties_yearbook Instagram

Here is a first look at one of Stroudsburg’s 2020-2021 yearbook pages.

Madison Hentze, Staff Writer

Just because this school year is full of chaos doesn’t mean Stroudsburg can’t document the adventures of this year’s students and faculty members. That is exactly what they are doing with the Pioneer, SHS’s yearbook.

For many years, the Stroudsburg High School’s yearbook staff has provided the community with endless memories to look back on throughout our lives. Due to COVID-19, school districts have lost so many traditions that would have been a part of those memories but at the same time, they have created new ones. 

Each year, the SHS yearbook staff comes up with a theme that resembles the school year. The yearbook committee has chosen a theme for this school year that is inspired by Netflix.

Netflix (and other streaming services) have been a major part of our lives during quarantine and the pandemic,” said SHS yearbook adviser Ms. Sarah Cepin. “This year’s book is titled ‘A Year Rewind’ and will read as if Stroudsburg High School is part of a television series.” 

The yearbook committee has dedicated so much time and effort so far to make this theme and yearbook one that everyone will want to buy. Whether it’s posting on social media, sending out promotional emails, meeting deadlines, or even going into classes to take photos, the yearbook members hope that the Netflix-themed yearbook will be an unforgettable publication.

“I love being a part of a yearbook because it provides me with the opportunity to be a part of something that I will look back on for years to come,” said Bryanna Morykan, 21’, an Editor-in-Chief. 

Like the Mountaineer (SHS’s newspaper), being a part of the Pioneer requires students to be in the class in order to participate. The students are separated into four different groups, focusing on specific tasks to help make the yearbook a top-notch creation.

There is the Production Team run by Maura Dempsey, 21’, the Business Team run by Kaeli Miller, 21’, the Copy Team run by Madison Hentze, 21’, and the Photography Team co-run by Rachel Bailey, 22’, and Amber Pintarich, 21’. The Editors-in-Chief are Bryanna Morykan, 21’, and Julia Gallo, 21’, who use their creativity and leadership skills to help out each team. 

While the yearbook staff has overcome a lot of obstacles, they admit that it has not been easy to operate through a pandemic.

“This year’s been tough,” said Hope Butler, 22’, “with so many students only being in school a few days a week or not at all, we’re struggling to picture everyone in the book.”

Fortunately, the students have a dedicated adviser in Ms. Cepin.  With her guidance, as well as support from Jostens Yearbook Avenue, the staff is optimistic that this year’s publication will be better than ever.

Stroudsburg 2020-2021 yearbook will be better than ever this year.

Be sure to check for emails daily if you want to help us make this the best book Stroudsburg has ever seen! 

Stroudsburg Yearbook Facebook Page

Stroudsburg Yearbook Website


Introducing this year’s yearbook staff:

Rachel Bailey

Hope Butler

Maura Dempsey

Jacqueline Dennehy

Julia Gallo

Bailey Goldberg

Madison Hentze

Emma Kintz

Khanyla Lacewell

Anthony Liguori

Jenna Merklin

Kaeli Miller

Lindsey Moreland

Bryanna Morykan

Amber Pintarich

Allen Remillard

Jace Tutty