Whats cooking in the foods classes?


Jacob Greico, Staff Writer

All great chefs need a place to sharpen their culinary craft. Ai??For some, this opportunity comes in high school. Ai??SHS offers three unique foods classes; Discovering foods, Foreign foods and American foods. Ai??

While there is no true order in which students are required to take the courses, it is recommended that they enroll in Discovering Foods first. Ai??That is where they learn the basics of cooking and measuring to prepare for Foreign/American foods.

ai???Taking discovery before Foreign/American is like taking Algebra 1 before Algebra 2,ai??? said Ms. Renee Carlin, one of the two foods teachers. ai???Itai??i??s made to help with the others.ai???

The benefits to having three different foods classes is it allows the students to experience a variety of meals. Ai??While Discovering Foods is mainly just to get the basic idea of cooking by making one item at a time, Foreign and American Foods are more advanced and allows students to cook full meals and enjoy them together. Ai??Ms. Renee Carlin and Ms. Lisa Voytko are the women in charge of the classes and they are very proud of their jobs. Ai??Ai??

ai???The teachers are extremely helpful and fun loving,ai??? said Niko Sawyer. ai???It’s really great to have them.ai???Ai??

Last year the foods classes helped in the catering of Mini-THON, but they do not work a lot of big events mainly because it interferes with their curriculum and the budget makes it hard. Ai??They are not opposed to doing events like that, but they need to try and work everything out before they can say yes. Ai??