Student Spotlight on Sanai Harrison


Jessica Brady, Staff Writer

What motivates you to come to school?

Seeing my friends every day and going to French class.

Who do you consider your biggest role model, and why?

My mom. She was the first person in her family to go to college, which I think is a good accomplishment. She’s very ambitious and meets all of her goals, and guides me through a lot of things. She inspires me to travel once I get older, and to reach all of my goals. She’s also very independent, which is an important trait in my opinion.

What is the greatest experience you have ever had?

Traveling to different places. I love traveling and experiencing new cultures and trying new foods.

What is your favorite thing about SHS?

Common Grounds. I also like Student Spotlights cause I feel like it allows me to learn so much about people.

What was your favorite class at SHS?

First Aid I & II, Forensics, and French.

What is your greatest weakness?

Passing my AP Bio tests. :)))

What movie could you never get tired of watching?

I can’t choose only one. But some are Dirty Dancing, Divergent, Any of the Conjuring Universe movies, The Fault in Our Stars, and White Chicks

How do you judge a person?

By their personality, loyalty, and the way they judge others.

Which countries/places would you like to travel to?

Bora Bora & Thailand. I also want to go to South Korea. 

What values are important to you?

Loyalty and honesty.