Best Buddies sets schedule of spring events

Diyanna Schlaeger

Best buddies work on new banner with members.

Diyanna Schlaeger, Staff Writer

Best Buddies is an SHS club that consists of student volunteers who create opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Best Buddies is also a Nationwide club with over 200 million members.

The SHS club is one of the schools, with approximately 90 members.  New members are always welcome, as well.

The advisers are Ms. Sarah Arnold, Ms. Heather Nowosad, and Ms. Sherri McIntyre.

They focus on making everybody feel as though they are part of a big family.  The members are consistently building bonds with each other through their efforts in planning activities.

Best Buddies plans all sorts of events throughout the year.  One of their most successful was “Smooth a Pooch, which raised a lot of money for a good cause.

“I think it’s a great club that includes everyone in the school,” said sophomore Kelsey Johnson.

Life Skills student Christian Perez shared his feelings.

“I love everything about it, I love all the games.”

The advisers and members are busy planning for the Special Olympics this spring.

Arnold is very excited.

“I love seeing all of the smiles all the students have, the pure excitement prior to meetings, and I love how everyone is so open to each other,” said Arnold. “My favorite part is the Special Olympics.”

Nowosad gave a specific reason why she believes the Special Olympics are important.

“We have an opportunity to get together for a common cause,” for example “be the I in kind,” said Nowosad. That is a saying the club uses.

Best Buddies meetings are held from 2:30-4:00 o’clock every first and third Thursday of the month.  Here are the upcoming dates:

  • March 3, 17
  • April 7, 21
  • May 5, 29

Currently, the only event we are looking at having this spring: Is cow chip bingo. Last year this was a big success and brought a lot of people to SHS to enjoy a food truck and music.

For more information, contact any of the advisers.

Enjoy the photo gallery below: