You can enrich a child’s life by donating books to the Breakfast With Dr. Seuss fundraiser

February 23, 2016
Have a book thatai??i??s just sitting there unread? Want to help expand a small child’s knowledge? Why not help out the Class of 2017, by donating books and attendingAi??Ai??ai???Breakfast with Dr.Seussai??? fundraiser?
The fundraiser will occur on Saturday, March 12. Its purpose is to not only help raise funds for the junior class, but also to introduce children to a love of reading. The event is being organized by the Class of 2017, advised by Ms. Jennifer Batt.
In order to make the breakfast a success for all kids who attend, the junior class intends to give each child a book to take home. Ai??That is where SHS students come in. Ai??They are simply being asked toAi??drop off their book donations at any English teacherai??i??s classroom, according to Batt.
While the books will be given away for free at the breakfast, there are some requirements when it comes to what types of books students can donate. The reading level of the books has to be from ai???Birthai??? to ai???Adolescence Novelsai???, and the condition has to range from ai???Newai??? to ai???Gently Usedai???. If a book falls under these conditions, it will be accepted for the fundraiser.
So if you want to help a small child learn about the ever expanding land that is literature, while also helping one of our fellow classes, then there’s no better time than to donate books that will be distributed at the ai???Breakfast with Dr.Seussai??? fundraiser.
Kevin Narine • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:30 AM