Vote Bernie Sanders for President

Logan Hatch

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you today to endorse my favorite candidate in the 2016 presidential election, Bernie Sanders. I believe that Bernie Sanders truly connects with open minded Americans young and old.

Bernie believes that every American is entitled to good health care as a right, I agree with him because Americans spend more money on healthcare than any other country on this planet. Someone diagnosed with cancer is already enduring a very grueling battle and if someone cannot afford health insurance they will either be buried in debt with a possibility of cancer returning, or they will not receive treatment and die a very undignified death. If we can appoint public defendants to fight for potential criminals who cannot afford lawyers, why donai??i??t we provide care for those who need it most?

Bernie also believes that a college education should be free for Americans. He does garner a lot of criticism for his use of the word ai???freeai??? but Bernie and his supporters understand that nothing is free. They understand that his plan calls for appropriately taxing corporations their fair share and lowering taxes on the middle and lower class, he also imposes a speculation tax on wall street which would reduce risky and unproductive high speed trading that goes on today. The revamped tax system would assist in paying for his education and health care proposals.

Recently, Hillary Clintonai??i??s campaign has been attempting to smear Sanders as a single issue candidate only focusing on wall street and nothing else. The problem with this shameless attack on his credibility is that young people can fact check anything very quickly thanks to the internet, and little to no young people are flocking to Clinton for the answers. They know that Bernie is a dedicated, sincere candidate who does not only focus on the risky behavior on wall street.

Bernie Sanders cares about the average American and their ability to succeed, he is a fighter for the middle class and those who give him a chance often leave feeling an intense Bern.

Logan Hatch
