Mini-Thon focused on raising money to help fight childhood cancer
The SHS Mini-THON executive council holding up the total number of funds raised at 2021’s Mini-THON. Photos taken by Madison Leeth.
May 11, 2022
“OUR PURPOSE — FOR THE KIDS” is the Penn State THON motto. Much like THON, Stroudsburg High school holds a Mini-THON, inspired by Penn State’s student-run program.
“Mini-THON is a completely student-run philanthropist opportunity that raises money to conquer childhood cancer. All funds collected go directly to the Four Diamonds hospital in Hershey, PA!” said senior Jacqueline Augugliaro, Stroudsburg Mini-THON’s Senior Overall of the Executive Council.
Stroudsburg Mini-THON raises money while being interactive with students and getting them involved throughout the entire district.
Approximately 30 students are a part of the SHS Mini-THON Executive Council. Their goal is to raise as much money as possible to donate to the fight against childhood cancer, even with the struggles they have faced due to the pandemic. Due to COVID regulations, Mini-THON has taken place at the stadium for a limit of six hours, in place of the usual 12 hours.
“This year it’s been more difficult than ever to reel people in due to the fact that only the senior class has experienced a traditional Mini-THON,” said Augugliaro.
Some students get involved with Mini-THON because of their knowledge of Penn State’s THON, or to just be involved.
“I knew I wanted to go to Penn State and be involved in THON. I think the Four Diamonds Foundation is incredible and I wanted to be a part of it as soon as I could” said senior Isabel Rivera, Senior Event Coordination Executive.
Some of the ways that Mini-THON has contributed to its goal are through various activities throughout the district.
“Mini-THON has many fundraising events throughout the year such as Nerf Zombies and our car wash, as well as new fundraisers like the Farm Show Milkshakes and concessions at the King of Hearts dance. said Rivera. “We also help out at the Mini Mini-THONs that the elementary schools put on.”
Due to all these efforts, since 2014, Stroudsburg Mini-THON has raised nearly $500,000 overall to fight pediatric cancer.
“I think that cancer is something that affects everyone in some way, whether it be their friend, family member, or someone in their community,” said Augugliaro. ` “It’s so important that the research and treatments that will help rid the world of this disease are funded.”
This year, Mini-THON will take place on May 20, 2022 for six hours at the Stroudsburg High school Stadium to accommodate COVID restrictions.
Remember to sign up or register for the donor drive to fight childhood cancer! #FTK!!