Teacher Feature on Mr. Hiscott

Eli Badillo, Staff Writer

At which school in the district do you teach?

The junior high school.

What subject(s) do you teach?

Social Studies.

What grade (s) do you teach?

Grades 8 and 9.

How long have you been teaching at SASD?

This is my 23rd year teaching in Stroudsburg.

Is there anything you wish you had known as a first-year teacher?

To complete all of my grad work while I had more time to do it and to be sure to maximize my lifetime earnings.

If you could teach another subject what would it be and why?

If I could teach another subject, I would be interested in teaching PE or math.

What do you find most challenging about being a teacher?

As someone who is generally more introverted, I find it challenging to always be on stage. There are some days when I would rather be somewhere by myself.

What is one piece of advice you would share with your students?

Enjoy your time in school. Join as many clubs and activities as you can. Don’t stress so much about your grades. You will probably forget a lot of what you were expected to learn anyway.

What is your favorite sports team? Why are they your favorite?

My favorite team is the Philadelphia Phillies. I have always enjoyed following them even when I had to listen to the games on AM radio when I was a kid.

What is your favorite quote and what does it mean to you?

Roll with the punches. I stole this one from my father. It means (to me) that life isn’t always easy and we have to learn how to handle adversity.

If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?

To have the ability to naturally regrow what was once a beautiful head of hair.