Teacher Feature on Mr. Lanfrank

December 9, 2022
At which school in the district do you teach?
High School.
What subject(s) do you teach?
History, specifically 20th century US, Pop Culture, and AP European History.
What grade (s) do you teach?
10-12th grade.
How long have you been teaching at SASD?
19 years.
What is one piece of advice you would share with your students?
Find your passion and follow it. Don’t give up on it.
What is your favorite quote and what does it mean to you?
“Do or do not, there is no try”-Yoda → Have confidence in yourself, do your best, and commit. There is no trying halfway. I love the ways of a Jedi as much as possible.
If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
Who needs a superpower when you can be a billionaire like Bruce Wayne? It says a lot about the billionaires on earth that they would rather buy Twitter and run it into the ground or buy vanity space rides than become Batman.
Why did you choose the subject that you teach?
Growing up I loved reading stories about history. I would read history books, fiction and nonfiction, and watch the history channel when they had history shows and not weird reality shows.
How and when did you know that teaching was what you wanted to do?
I had an amazing group of teachers in 8th grade. I wanted to be like them….I can remember all of their names to this day (Mr. Smith, Mr. Kanavy, Mrs. Schoenleber, Mr. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Baker)!