At which school in the district are you a Counselor?
Stroudsburg High School
How long have you been a counselor at SASD?
I’ve worked at SASD for 5 years.
What is your favorite part of being a counselor?
Building relationships with the students and making connections with them, I love seeing students grow
If you had gone into another profession, what would it be and why?
Early childhood education, that’s what I originally went to college for.
What is one piece of advice you would share with your students?
Ride the wave, things are constantly changing
If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
To fly to get to see a different perspective of life
How and when did you know being a counselor was what you wanted to do?
I’ve always liked working with kids and helping. I used to work with AmeriCorps which provides opportunities for Americans of all backgrounds to serve their country, address the nation’s challenges, and improve lives and communities. I just knew that I liked helping people, so I went on to get my master’s in psychology
Who do you look up to?
I look up to my mom because she has overcome a lot; she’s had a lot of challenges and keeps pushing forward.
What will your life look like after you retire?
Hopefully, a lot of traveling maybe to Italy.
What is your favorite memory of being at SASD?
Probably going to graduation and seeing my students make it to the finish line getting their diplomas.
What makes you smile?
My nieces and nephews never fail to make me smile.
When you retire one day, what will you miss most about working at SASD?
The routine, even though I wouldn’t say I like getting up early, I love the routine and working with the students.
What is something your students have taught you?
They can be resilient, given very challenging life circumstances and rising above them.