At which school in the district do you teach?
Stroudsburg High School.
What subject(s) do you teach?
What grade(s) do you teach?
I am lucky enough to have each grade in most of my classes.
How long have you been teaching at SASD?
This is my 17th year teaching at SASD.
What is your favorite part about teaching?
My favorite part of teaching is interacting with students and seeing all the different personalities. I also love when students see the magic of math coming together in different ways.
If you could teach another subject what would it be and why?
I think I would like Physics or Chemistry. Math is the wrench of the world. Physics and Chemistry give Math so much more meaning and application.
If you had gone into another profession, what would it be and why?
I thought about being an Actuary, but Statistics is not my favorite math topic. I think I would enjoy nursing. I think helping people through problems and making them feel better is rewarding.
What is one piece of advice you would share with your students?
My favorite quote is my best advice, “A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.”
If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
Math is my superpower.
How and when did you know teaching was what you wanted to do?
I grew up with a twin sister. She struggled with math, so I would always help her. I always enjoyed math. My sister struggled with math and I helped her, but now she has her PhD in Biology. Struggling in high school does not predict your whole life.
What is a joke you always keep in your pocket?
What did 0 say to 8? Nice Belt.
Who do you look up to?
I look up to my parents. I grew up on a farm and my parents work very hard.
What will your life look like after you retire?
I honestly haven’t thought anything about retirement.
What is your favorite memory of teaching?
What is something that most people may not know about you?
Many people may not know that I have a twin sister.
What is a hidden talent of yours?
I can curl my tongue into a triple-pointed shape.
What is your proudest achievement?
I think graduating from college is at the top of the list, along with running a marathon.
What makes you smile?
Spending time with my family.
When you retire one day, what will you miss most about teaching?
I think the obvious answer – interacting with all of the different personalities at school from day to day. I also love my colleagues, so it will be hard to leave them.
What is something your students have taught you?
Many, many things. Patience I’d say is a big one. Also, to laugh at yourself. Many times we all make mistakes or something funny happens. It’s ok to say, you know what, that was funny, and move on.