Drama 2 Classes perform for all!

Jacob Angradi and Spencer Kash

Drama 2 class’ annual performances, including Tyler Boback’s “Imperfect Proposal”, Jacob Grieco’s “Charming”, Mrs. Batt’s “Charming”, and Spencer Kash’s “Kindler”, impressed all of the students and faculty that attended. Cast list is as follows:
Thursday, May 5th Periods 2,3, and 4: Ai??”Imperfect Proposal,” directed by Tyler Boback

Starring: Sam Imber, Jared Toro, Eva Labayen, Kira Darlington, Sarah Principe, Kara Bendixen, Zaky Hassan, Madison Seixas, and Bryan Wnuk

Thursday, May 5th Periods 7,8, and 9: Ai??”Charming,” directed by Jacob Grieco

Starring: Ai??John (Hee-Yeen) Yim, Cyndel Crawford, Gabbi Solano, Ellis Rowland, Kara Bendixen, Erinni Binikos, Roxy Castillo, Kira Darlington, Zaky Hassan, Sam Imber, Eva Labayen, Sarah Principe, Sarah Reinhardt, Madison Seixas, Julicia Stoute, Jared Toro, and Bryan Wnuk

Friday, May 6th Periods 2,3, and 4: Ai??”Charming” with guest appearance of Anthony Lanfrank

Starring: Ai??Julia Woods, Alivia Lodi, Sam Whitely, Kristen Barrett, Chase Bartholomew, Michael Bennett, Shawquay Joyner, Kaela Lee, Destiny Ortega, and Jhanae Levine

Friday, May 6th Periods 7,8, and 9: Ai??”Kindler,” written and directed by Spencer Kash

Starring: Ai??Charlie Cimino, Tereya Edwards, Sam Whitely, Michael Bennett, Chase Bartholomew, Allison Eckel, Shawquay Joyner, and special guess appearances by Mr. Lanfrank and Ellis Rowland