At which school in the district do you work?
I work at Arlington, Hamilton, and Morey Elementary
How long have you been working at SASD?
I have been working here for 3 years.
What is your favorite part of working at SASD?
I enjoy working with children and families in the community where I live. I get to be a part of the school district that my children attend and participate in activities that they are a part of.
If you had gone into another profession, what would it be and why?
I would love to be an author. I love to read and have always thought I would like to try to write my own stories one day.
If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
X-ray vision…as a nurse, it is sometimes hard to determine what is wrong with someone. If I had X-Ray vision I could figure it out right away and help them.
Who do you look up to?
Dr. Cheryl Machemer, she was one of the nurses that helped to train me in the Surgical Intensive Care when I first entered the nursing profession. She taught me everything I know about critically ill patients and also how to be a health educator.
What is your favorite memory of being at SASD?
This year I did a healthy eating activity with my students at Arlington. I got to bake muffins with the students and then got to see them enjoy the final product.
What is something that most people may not know about you?
I enjoy golfing and I once had a hole-in-one.
What is a hidden talent of yours?
I enjoy painting. I have gotten to use my talents to do face painting at school events and also to create personalized sneakers.
What is one thing you wish people knew about being a school nurse in general?
That school nursing is more than giving out ice packs and band-aids. There are many students and faculty that have complex medical problems that need attention and it is my job to keep them safe while they are at school.
What makes you smile?
My family.