The American flag is the symbol of our country. It represents freedom, the 50 states, 13 colonies, and the veterans who have fought for the freedom of America.
“To me, the American flag symbolizes freedom, justice, and unity. Many people have fought for what we have today and they try to help other people have the same,” says Kim Paradis.
First sewn together in 1776 by Betsy Ross, the American flag has developed over time, along with the country and the beliefs of how it should be treated.
The “National Anthem”, or “Star Spangled Banner” was written by Francis Scott Key during the war with Great Britain in 1814. The anthem is played at sports games and national events such as President Trump’s inauguration day on Jan. 20.
There are many steps to follow when the anthem is played to show respect for the flag.
After standing and removing your hats, your right hand should be placed over your heart or respectfully together in front of you or behind your back. For those in uniform, or who have served, your hands must salute to the flag to show respect.
“Playing ‘The National Anthem’ at a football game is a good time to reflect on the people from the past and what they have done for our country. We reflect on the opportunities we are able to have because of what they did,” expressed Sodl. “Just take one minute to be silent and reflect on the opportunities that are given to you. There are veterans in the stands along with students. It frustrates me sometimes when our students are not respectful because overall, we have a great student body.”
The “Pledge of Allegiance” is recited every morning at school. You should be standing and putting your right hand over your heart.
“There is a school law that allows students to not stand for the pledge, but it disappoints me when students don’t understand what other people have done for them and the opportunities that they have,” adds Sodl. “When the Germans come here and see what we do in school, and the commitment to the pledge, they don’t do that and they think it’s pretty remarkable.”
Respecting the flag also applies when you decide to hang one outside of your house, or on a truck. According to the Department of Defense, when you hang a flag horizontally or vertically, the blue field or union must be on the left. The flag should never be displayed upside down and when hanging the flag from a pole, it must be draped over itself.
On a vehicle, the flag is allowed to hang on the antenna or the flagstaff can be placed on the right fender.
The American flag may not be defaced in any way. If the flag is torn, dirty, or damaged in any circumstance, the flag should be disposed of properly. The flags should not be hung or flown until it is ripped to shreds or damaged. The flag should also not be written on or used as clothing.
“I don’t always assume anything is done with bad intentions. People might not know the proper procedures of disposing of a flag. It does make me feel sad when it is done with ill intent but we fought for freedom and for people to do what they want, but people are not always free from the repercussions of their actions,” explained Paradis.
The National Flag Foundation lists the correct ways to dispose of a retired flag. One must burn the flag while saying the pledge of allegiance or saluting. There are also community disposal boxes where flags can be dropped off so that they can be disposed of properly by organizations such as Girl Scouts, or the American Legion. A flag can also be buried in a wooden box.
“Land of the free and home of the brave” is what the American flag stands for.
Veterans: men and women in uniform have fought to keep this country safe. Every time the “National Anthem” is played, or the “Pledge of Allegiance” is recited, we stand to respect them. Make sure to think of a veteran you know and thank them for their service and their enactment of the American flag.