Krispy Kreme Donut Sale

September 16, 2016
One of the tastiest fundraisers of the year is happening right now, and time is running out for students to sink their teeth into it.
Once again the senior class is promoting a superb fundraiser: Krispy Kreme donuts.
One can purchase Krispy Kreme donuts either outside the cafeteria or from a senior with a purple sheet selling them. The donuts cost $7.00 a dozen, and forms must be due no later than Tuesday, September 20.
This is the second year the class of 2017 is selling Krispy Kreme donuts and it is one of their most successful fundraisers to date. Last year the class raised an astonishing total of over $1000. This year they hope to surpass last yearai??i??s total profit.
ai???We want to get more students active this year selling, and we hope people are willing to step up and sell as much as said senior class president Taylor Flanagan.
The idea of selling Krispy Kreme originated came from a few different sources: Ai??other classes and clubs, and from their adviser, Ms. Jennifer Batt.
So why buy Krispy Kreme donuts? ai???Well because they are delicious and the money goes to a good cause,ai??? said junior Brendan Zambrano, who buys them every year.
Selling these donuts also comes with some benefits as students who sell 10 dozen boxes or more may be eligible to enter a raffle for a chance to win a free ticket to prom. Ai??
ai???Itai??i??s a great fundraiser thatai??i??s well run,ai??? said principal Mr. Jeffrey Sodl. ai???Everyone loves the donuts and a lot of money that’s raised helps the senior class. Itai??i??s a win-win
When this sale ends, Krispy Kreme lovers should not despair. Ai??
ai???We plan on having another sale by the end of the school year,ai??? said Flanagan.