Aevidum is an organization that creates a safe environment for students to express their struggles and experiences with mental health openly. Aevidum officially got its name in 2007. Aevidum means “I’ve got your back”.
Aevidum, formally advised by Mindy Tkach, is now advised by newcomer and science teacher, Jen Giordano. Giordano, a former SHS student, has stepped into her new role with enthusiasm. Aevidum continues to spread awareness, and positivity and aims to ensure that everyone feels accepted, welcome, heard, and seen. Last month, members surprised teachers by leaving positive messages on their whiteboards.
Aevidum members surprised teachers by placing positive messages on whiteboards in their classrooms. (J. Appolo)
There are currently 4 leaders: Alyssa Rounsaville, Crista Kopec, Ella Horn, and Gianna Bunnelle.
One of Aevidum’s leaders, Alyssa Rounsaville, 25’ stated, “Aevidum is a place where we can share our experiences and make everyone feel safe while keeping everything private and not spread across the school.”
For more information, reach out to Ms. Giordano at [email protected] or visit her in room F208.