On February 2, 2025, Punxsutawney Phil made his prediction for six more weeks of winter, but don’t fret, he only has a 30 percent accuracy. Phil has been predicting whether for 137 years, how has he been predicting our seasons wrong for over a century?
Well, he is not the only groundhog making predictions. Across the nation, many groundhogs have been predicting weather, but none as long as Punxsutawney Phil. In New York, Staten Island Chuck contradicted Phil’s prediction, with spring coming early. Chuck has been making predictions since 1981, and his accuracy is 85 percent– much higher than Phil’s.
In 2014, Chuck was replaced by his daughter, Charlotte after Mayor Bill de Blasio dropped her during that year’s Groundhog Day ceremony. A few days later Charlotte died, but the Staten Island Zoo said it was unlikely her death was caused by the fall.
Although Punxsutawney Phil is one of the most well-known groundhogs around Pennsylvania, Chuck may be gaining popularity. He even has his own theme song, sung by Rock-A-Billy-Band, but does he have his own Facebook page with 131K followers like Phil?