Suicide prevention: SHS creates a year-round support system
Poster outside of the main office provides emergency hotline and website for more information on suicide prevention.
September 28, 2016
While September isAi??known as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, Stroudsburg High School intends to extend this crucial awareness throughout the entire year.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for those between the ages of 10-24. Given the age range, it is extremely important that students as well as teachers learn the signs of someone who may be considering taking their own life, even though the topic may be rather uncomfortable and upsetting. Ai??Ai??
As such,Ai??SHS has begun to take measures in preventingAi??suicidal behavior. Not only are the teachers required to have specific training on how to recognize this behavior and how to act against it, but the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), an SHS club advised by Ms. Shari Griswold, provides student-to-student support to those with gender issues, who are twice as likely to attempt suicide.
However, with so much stigma attached to depression and anxiety, it is still difficult to get students to open up and seek help.
SHS vice principal Mr. Thomas Burke revealed that a brand new club will soon be established at SHS. Originating in Lancaster, PA,Ai??Aevidum,Ai??which means “I’ve got your back”, focuses on spreading awareness of suicide, encouraging students to be more vocal about the subject and showing that no one is alone in their struggles. The club will meet once a month for workshops, one of which will take place at SHS in December.
Burke stressed the importance of a club like Aevidum. ai???Everybody needs somebody to talk to,ai??? he said.
No matter how lonely somebody may feel, there is always supportAi??out there; clubs like AevidumAi??aim to end the secrecy of suicide and encourage students to get the help that they need.