Shianne Shelton

Parents: Georgette and Elrige Shelton

Escorts: Simaya Shelton (sister)

Organizations/Clubs/Sports:Ai?? Student Government, Key Club, Philosophy Club, World Club,Ai??History Club, Orchestra, Writing, Employed at Aquatopia, enjoysAi??eating a lot, dancing, and watching movies.Ai?? She also says sheai??i??sAi??dating Zac Efron!

Future Plans: To attend college in NYC or Philadelphia to major in journalism

Acknowledgements:ai???I really didnai??i??t expect to be in the top 10, but I would like to thank myAi??arms for always being by my side, my legs, for always supporting me,Ai??and my fingers, because I can always count on them.Ai?? My hips, too, forAi??never lying. Oh, and my family, I

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