Sina Claus

Something that Friedrich Magnus Schwerd Gymnasium [The GAPP students school] could learn from Stroudsburg High School is the availability of technology to students. Sina has noticed how the technology offered at Stroudsburg High School is much better than that at her own school. By having more options, students can have access to more resources, and be more efficient in completing school assignments. Schwerd Gymnasium could also take after Stroudsburg by offering more extracurricular activities and sports that are connected to the school. This could allow students to get more involved within the community, as well as make friends with other students who they ordinarily would not have the chance to interact with.

Something that Stroudsburg High School could learn from Friedrich Magnus Schwerd Gymnasium is to have more breaks between class periods. Sina says that after every two periods, students have 15 minutes to relax, go outside, and socialize with friends, while Stroudsburg only has four minutes between each class. A relaxing atmosphere can help anxious students unwind, especially those with rigorous schedules and an abundance of responsibilities outside of school. Sina also mentions a kiosk of lunch foods and beverages available to them at any point in the day; students can go and buy a snack or meal whenever they are hungry. Stroudsburg could benefit from this type of food system. Even though we currently have four separate lunch periods of 42 minutes, students still resort to carrying around food with them during the day. A kiosk would be more convenient to students, and would free up their schedule with an extra period for either a study hall, or another class.

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