Newly formed Ping-Pong Club paddles into first-ever meeting today!

December 8, 2016
Sitting in the basement of Stroudsburgai??i??s High School are ping pong tables waiting to be used. Finally, they are being brought back up. The Ping-Pong Club has recently been approved by the school board thanks to a group of dedicated SHS girls. The club will be run by five student advisers: Ai??junior Monica Rojas, junior Katelyn Marina, junior Caitlin Mason, junior Livia Marga, and junior Sarah Oai??i??Connell.
Are you ready to join Stroudsburgai??i??s first table tennis club today?
This club is for any student who is willing to show up, have a positive attitude, and be actively involved. Ai??”You don’t even need to know what ping-pong is to join,” said junior student adviser Livia Marga. ai???Ping-Pong Club will give students not only the opportunity to play ping-pong, but to socialize and learn some new skills. The goal of the club would be to get students of all skill levels to join, meet new people, and have a good time together in a stress-free environment,” she added.
The club is not intended to be a stressful club, in fact the purpose is quite the opposite. However, as all clubs, there will be a minimum participation requirement for those looking to add this to their transcript.
“Ping-Pong Club will only happen once every other week on Thursdays, and will have the first meeting today, December 8, in the gym lobby.” said junior participant Nina Morales.
The advisers look forward to seeing anyone and everyone at the club. Feel free to take up this unique opportunity today right after school!
Dylan Varano • Mar 6, 2017 at 8:09 AM
I think ping pong club is a good idea, I think this because it gets people to bond together and socialize and make new friends. It gives people the experience to have fun and enjoy the club. It’s a fun club for everyone. You don’t have to be good, you don’t have to be popular, you’re just there for fun and to socialize.
Leiyla O'Dowd • Mar 3, 2017 at 12:45 PM
i think the best part is walking into the gym lobby at the end of the day and seeing kids playing ping pong and just the joy on their faces. i’m really glad that a group if amazing junior girls brought this back! stroudsburg needed a little something new ;)
Samir Rivera Vazquez • Mar 3, 2017 at 12:43 PM
Its really great that they are doing this now for students because there are some students who would like to do what they love most but they cant cause they don’t have the opportunity at their schools. There might be some students out there who really love this and we just gave them the ability to enjoy themselves and the club with others. They should do this a lot more with other little clubs for more students can become more active with school activities and events for students can interact a lot more with each other. The interactions will help kids get along better and have more friends or even meet knew people expanding and helping them in their communication skills.
Samir Rivera Vazquez • Mar 3, 2017 at 12:32 PM
Awesome club!! So much fun, we should have it more day in the week!!!
Freddy Dudak • Mar 1, 2017 at 10:39 AM
I feel like this can definitely turn into something that can be competitive throughout the district
Riley Gaita • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:30 AM
It would be cool if some other schools around started up ping pong clubs and you guys could have little tournaments! Not to just be competitive but like it said above it could be a lot of fun and students can get out there out of their comfort zones and socialize with students from other schools. Just an idea!
Daniel Ocasio • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:26 AM
I’m so Ping-Ponged up!!!!(ponged=pumped)
Daniel Ocasio • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:25 AM
I’m so Ping-ponged (pumped)up!!!
Kwaku Anim-Appiah • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:21 AM
I love ping pong! This would be a super cool club to participate in! I hope everyone is as excited about it as I am.
Tyler slomiak • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:20 AM
What a good idea
Kristen Byrne • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:19 AM
Ping pong club has surely hit it off with SHS students
Mrs. West • Mar 1, 2017 at 7:19 AM
Ping pong meets EVERY THURSDAY :)