Mardi Gras celebration kicks off today, Fat Tuesday — See recipes below!

February 27, 2017
There is only one time a year when everyone can eat to their heart’s desire without being judged or criticized. That day is Mardi Gras, also referred to as Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday.
Mardi Gras refers to events of the Carnival celebrations. The celebration is set to be 46 days before Easter due to, well, science. This year Mardi Gras begins on February 28 before Ash Wednesday. Ai??Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, which is the historical day where one, typically of Christian origin, Ai??begins fasting and praying for 40 days and 40 nights.
The history of Mardi Gras is quite similar to other holidays. Ai??Although it is well known in North America, the holiday did not originally begin in North America. In fact, it began in France (hence the name) and was brought to America in the late 1600ai??i??s.
Mardi Gras is associated with three colors: purple, gold, and green. Each color has a symbolic meaning. The purple symbolizes justice. The gold symbolizes power. Lastly, the green symbolizes faith. Traditionally, there is a cake that is eaten during Mardi Gras, and it is called the King’s Cake. The cake has a plastic baby or bean inside and whoever receives the baby or bean is ai???king or The person who finds the baby will also have to buy the Kingai??i??s Cake for the following yearai??i??s festivities.
Additionally, Mardi Gras has special activities that friends and families can partake in. For example, there are parades with floats, music, and lots of food during Mardi Gras. Some of those activities happen right here at Stroudsburg high school.
Students who are taking foreign foods with Ms. Lisa Voytko look forwardAi??to cooking gumbo, jambalaya, and red beans and rice. Possible desserts are King’s Cake, beignets or bread pudding.
There are also French teachers, such as Ms. Maureen Verwey, who engage their students in activities such as mini games to win prizes, mask making, mingling to jazz music, and last but not least, cutting the famous Kingai??i??s Cake to declare a king or queen who is crowned with a jester hat and scepter.
More Recipes/ Activities:
Andrew Bunker • Mar 6, 2017 at 1:25 PM
I love Mardi Gras
Albin Deda • Mar 6, 2017 at 10:10 AM
loving the new website good job guys :D
Daisha DuRant • Mar 6, 2017 at 9:34 AM
It’s really cool that the school is open to learning new celebration that goes on and teaches it to the students
Julia Woods • Mar 2, 2017 at 7:43 AM
these is a fantastic articles you guy do such a good job with all the articles on the school news paper