SHS teacher runs for seat on the Stroudsburg Borough Council

Sierra Tiwari, Staff Writer

Social studies teacher Mr. Anthony Lanfrank is running for a seat on the Stroudsburg Borough Council.

The Stroudsburg Borough Council makes rules and regulations for the borough of Stroudsburg, such as creating the budget, approving buildings, and determining taxes. Ai??It takes a minimum of 10 signatures to get on the ballot. The primaries take place in May. Then, the nominees go to the general election which takes place in November.

Lanfrank’s passion for politics kicked off after being furloughed. He felt it was his ai???civic duty to help people.” If elected Lanfrank believes he can ai???fix stalemates within the council by utilizing common sense.”

Lanfrank is in charge of the Progressive Club, Mock Trial, and is involved in the planning commission. The planning commission recommends approval for buildings to the council. Lanfrank states that, if elected into the Stroudsburg Borough Council, he plans on using a ai???pro-growth, common sense approach.”