How culture and race affects the lives of minorities

October 13, 2019
Do culture and race affect lives and how people are raised? Different races and cultures face realities, including different stereotypes and discrimination on a daily basis. But does one’s culture and race interfere with the way they are raised?
No, It doesn’t affect me, but that’s just because my parents didn’t want to sway my opinions since I was raised in a different country,” said a sophomore Valentina Restrepo. “So when we moved to the United States they wanted me to decide for myself what I believe in and they let my environment influence me.”
According to sophomore Tanajah Rieara, she believes that being biracial has affected how she has been raised because of the fact her dada’s side of the family is very religious and reserved, and her moma’s side is very outgoing and loud.”
It’s hard because on one side of the family it is very religious and the other side is just out there,” said Rieara. “My mom’s side is very open-minded and on my dad’s side they are way more religious and reserved, so a belief in God was enforced in the household.”
A study conducted by the American Sociological Association reveals that regardless of social class, Black parents are more likely to send their children to Bible camp and Sunday school, while their white peers encourage their children to participate in activities such as piano lessons and sports.
People who are biracial often face identity issues and struggle with what race they exactly are, according to the NewsWorks.
I’ve always struggled with ” choosing a side” in school as I got older,” said Rieara. “I always have a lose-lose situation. Say I like fried chicken everyone says yeah because you’re part black. But then I can say I don’t like yams or I like Starbucks and everyone says it’s because your part white.”
On the other hand, Restrepo has had a completely and entirely different experience growing up due to the fact her parents are immigrants.
It was harder for my parents since they were immigrants,” said Restrepo. “I didn’t get to live a normal american childhood. There’s a lot of opportunities I don’t get since they don’t get the same chances as an American would.”
According to The New York Times, children of immigrants often deal with trouble with the culture that is enforced at home and the culture they often see at school every day.
Restrepo also shared if anything in her culture has affected her negatively or has been a nuisance. She explained that makeup happens to be a minor issue, but a major annoyance.
“In Colombian culture, with how my mother was raised, I am constantly scolded for how much makeup I wear, said Restrepo. Not only that, but during some social situations I have to translate for my mom and that can be difficult at times.”
Due to the fact that different races face different realities, a white person will not face what a Hispanic person or an African American person would face. Both Rieara and Restrepo believe the realities of a minority are more challenging than those faced by whites.
I feel as though our parents have raised us to be aware of the fact that we will face more obstacles and struggle more with certain things that white people don’t,” said Rieara. I think sometimes it hurts our childhood even though we have to be aware of these things.”
Yes I believe I have to work a lot harder than white people do,” said Restrepo. “I don’t get the same privileges or same opportunities, not only due to where I come from and who I am, but also because my parents have to work differently than regular people.”
Sophomore Malik Lomax, age 16 thinks that being a black man in society is not only hard but scary.
Growing up as a black guy, you’re afraid because when you’re around police and authority figures you get scared or feel nervous because you feel as if they are automatically suspicious of you due to the color of your skin.” said Lomax.
According to FBI data black people are more likely to get shot by police than their white peers. This is something Lomax has often been talked to about by his parents.
In the end, in a world so fascinated by race and culture, society lacks to see how culture and race can affect people’s lives in how they live, how they are raised, and how they raise their kids for the future.
Nia Skeet • May 12, 2017 at 7:53 AM
I feel like in today’s society not a lot of diverse individuals have the opportunity to express themselves the way they’d like mostly due to all the criticism they’ll receive if they do so. As much as I wish things weren’t like that, we can’t change the mindset of everyone, because people are entitled to their own opinions no matter how unfair it may be.
Zaritza valdez • Apr 24, 2017 at 10:55 AM
I believe the environment you live in and those around you in school and people you socialize. Many people believe its because of the race, but the environment is what affects a person. For example ads for cigarettes can be in certain cities and people are more prone to smoke in those areas.
HaJa • Apr 24, 2017 at 10:54 AM
This was such a great article to read. Growing up I’ve dealt with my culture and race affecting my life so it was pretty great hearing from other students about how it affects them. But, I believe that our race or culture shouldn’t define our actions at all.
Shanna-Kay Lemuel • Apr 23, 2017 at 7:37 PM
I definitely can speak some truth about this article. Our society is so big on labels. Every thing has to have a label. Your skin color, your race, your sexuality, everything. You cant do anything without someone or something saying its this or its that. Just because you have darker skin does not make you black. Just because you like to dress a certain way does not make you gay. Why is it so hard for everyone to just live and be who and what they want to be. Its sad, but its the harsh reality. Well written article.
Alefiyah • Apr 21, 2017 at 3:22 PM
I feel that our actions are not defined by our race or our culture at all. However, the thing is, is that certain races are raised by different cultures, which is what sometimes defines our actions, traditions, etc..
I definitely feel that those that come from ethnic backgrounds are often times put to higher expectations to their “white peers”, especially of those that come from different countries.
I think it is amazing, how we are now living in a globalized society, where different races, cultures, and ethnicities, can thrive in different environments.
Subria Charles • Apr 21, 2017 at 12:12 PM
I liked this article it was very informative and the statements presented were hitting home